Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Following the horrible shootings of so many in Aurora, CO, Dean Marshall's Message to Brite Divinity School  Students, Faculty, and Staff:

As the news of last night’s tragedy in Aurora, Colorado moves through our community, I want to invite everyone to remain steadfast in prayer and reflection:
·         For those whose lives were lost, their families and friends who saw them head out to a night of fun and then were struck by the violence of their death;
·         For those who were caught in the crossfire and who witnessed the very real violence of a gun ringing out in a movie theatre and who now are attempting to make sense of lives lost and saved;
·         For the gunman whose actions make no sense to many of us and whose soul is held in the palm of God’s hand, and for his family and friends;
·         For those who are pastors and leaders of faith communities whose presence, voices, and wisdom are needed so desperately at moments like this;
·         For those who continue to seek ways to counter violence and hatred with justice and love

May those of us who claim the love, mercy, and grace of God:
·         Stand in faith with the grieving and the lost;
·         Stand in solidarity with those seeking healing in the midst of fear and pain;
·         Stand in hope as we live out our commitments to end violence

In the name of the One who carries the suffering of many,