Thursday, February 16, 2017

Stop the Settlements!

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Cornyn
Senator Cruz
February 16, 2017
Dear Senators Cornyn and Cruz,
As an American vitally interested in Israel and with a life-long passion
for peace in the Holy Land, and as one who has lived in Israel for months
in 1973, 1998, and 2004, I have never been more concerned about the
dwindling opportunities for a sustainable peace there. I am writing to
urge you to speak out against the expansion of Israeli settlements and for
a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Recent developments make the need for action even more urgent: Since the
beginning of this year, the Israeli government has approved over 6,000 new housing units in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. And on February 6 the Israeli Knesset passed a bill retroactively legalizing some
settlement outposts built in the West Bank on privately owned Palestinian
land. While the bill, which is being challenged in Israeli court, makes
these outposts legal under Israeli law, in fact, all settlements are illegal under international law.
The rapid expansion of settlements and this latest effort in the Knesset
to legitimize some outposts undermine the prospects for a just peace
between Israelis and Palestinians. The problems with expanding
settlements, however, are not just in diminished prospects for peace.
Settlement expansion also means ongoing suffering for Palestinians. As
settlements expand, Palestinians are pushed out of their homes and off
their lands, homes are demolished, trees are uprooted, and the West Bank
is carved up by settler by-pass roads, making travel for Palestinians
arduous if not impossible.
I ask you to speak out against Israeli settlements and for peace. As a
person of faith who seeks the welfare of all persons, I believe an end to
settlements will serve the interests of both Israelis and Palestinians by
helping lead to a just peace.
Charles Kutz-Marks

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